Bramble Infant School & Nursery

Bramble Infant School & Nursery

Growing, Caring, Learning

Bramble Road, Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0DT ,

023 9282 8604

Family Support Hubs

Portsmouth family hubs - Portsmouth City Council

Family hubs are a ‘one stop shop’ within your community – providing information, signposting and a variety of free services, activities and support for families with children up to 25 years, in one place.

Here are some of the support your local hub may offer:

Behaviour management - Portsmouth City Council

Parenting Surgeries (5-19)

Parents who do not have a Lead Professional or Social Worker can access support from a parenting practitioner by emailing the below details to:

While an email referral is preferred, parents can also call to enquire/book a Parenting Surgery session on the following: 02392 821816, or text the texting line on: 07823 687838.

Triple P Discussion Groups (5-16)

A focused program of sessions designed to support school-aged children (5-16), taking place at the Family Hubs across the city at a range of times, including some evening sessions. Please note these are for parents/carers, and we are not currently offering a creche.

Parents or Lead Professionals will be able to call the hubs to book on or to make enquiries.

Non-Violent Resistance (NVR)

Overcoming a child’s or young person’s violent, aggressive, harmful, self-destructive or risk-taking behaviour using Non-Violent Resistance’ (10-week course)

Rebuilding Relationships (RR)

Creating new possibilities using NVR approaches, that defiance, aggression and conflict has taken away’ (3-week course)

In order to attend NVR or RR a referral must be made by the Lead Professional working with the family.

Solihull Parenting Courses (RR)

There are free online parenting courses to support with a range of needs. 

To access the courses for free, register online and enter the access code PARENTSUPPORT.




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