Bramble Infant School & Nursery

Bramble Infant School & Nursery

Growing, Caring, Learning

Bramble Road, Southsea, Hampshire, PO4 0DT ,

023 9282 8604

Mental Health Support Team

Mental Health Support Team - Portsmouth Education Partnership

The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) can support children who are displaying anxiety based behaviours at home and/or school. The MHST carry out early intervention evidence based CBT skills based support training to parents who know their child best and can support with implementing these recommended strategies at home with their child. School also has regular meetings with the team to seek advice in consultation around supporting mental health needs in school and signposting information for other support service recommendations.

If you are concerned about your child's anxious behaviours you can talk to their class teacher. If you wish for your child to be discussed in MHST consultation with school there will be an information gathering process. Parents are asked permission to gain consent to discuss your child with MHST and that their notes recoded on their GP NHS system as part of this process and support. This information will be presented at a consultation with the school's MHST member where advice and recommendations are given on the best support for your child’s needs. Recommendations are given on the right service at the right time based on the information shared which may result in a referral to MHST or alternative support service recommendation provided. This can include in school support recommendations which will be feedback to parents following consultation.

(4) Mental Health Support Team (Primary) - YouTube


Here is another website that is useful for mental health Parents' A-Z Mental Health Guide | Mental Health Advice | YoungMinds

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